Playful Club

Hall 51 Bridge street, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand

An in-House Bridge Session for Toddlers, babies and their Parents to explore play and movement, connection and confidence through song, dance and storytelling. These will be weekly sessions of 1 hour made up of 30 minutes of playfulness followed by 30 minutes of social morning tea.Thursdays Weekly, 9.30am-10.30am, 10 weeks during term time. Entry by […]

Tai Chi

Hall 51 Bridge street, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand

TAICHI - TCQC Integrated ClubTai Chi, sometimes referred to as meditation in motion, is a slow, gentle, safe, enjoyable form of choreographed movement, which is known for its many health and well-being benefits.The purpose of our weekly classes (in addition to having fun), is for members to learn, and continue to develop, the practice of […]

Private Booking – Hall

Hall 51 Bridge street, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand

Meditation Movement and Sound28.9. 10.30am12.10. 10.30am"Michael Corson"Invoiced for the 28.9. & and the 12.10. On the 26th of September

Mediation Movement and Sound

Hall 51 Bridge street, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand

Mediation Movement and Sound